Marketboats Blog

Master the art of B2B lead generation with valuable tips and tricks

Persona Pitfalls to Avoid: Common Mistakes in B2B Persona Development

Persona Pitfalls to Avoid: Common Mistakes in B2B Persona Development

In today’s B2B marketing dynamics, have you ever felt like you’re throwing marketing messages out there and hoping something sticks? Imagine, instead of the same boring methods, you draft personalized

Decoding Intent Data: How to Extract Valuable Insights from User Behavior

Decoding Intent Data: How to Extract Valuable Insights from User Behavior

Introduction You’ll be astonished at how recognizing user behavior can improve your business and boost it to the top of the industry. While you can’t exactly tell what your customer

Navigating the Privacy Landscape: Ethical Use of Intent Data in Marketing

Navigating the Privacy Landscape: Ethical Use of Intent Data in Marketing

Have you ever gone through travel websites and been bombarded with hotel ads for the coming weeks afterward? Or perhaps you casually searched about a new fitness tracker, only to

Vertical Syndication: How to Tailor Your Content for Specific Industry Channels

Vertical Syndication: How to Tailor Your Content for Specific Industry Channels

Today’s business landscape is customer-centric, and the biggest challenge for businesses today is how to gain a competitive advantage! Amidst countless similar marketing options that are being used by almost

Breaking Down Barriers: Overcoming Obstacles in the Buyer Journey

Breaking Down Barriers: Overcoming Obstacles in the Buyer Journey

The buyer’s journey has evolved drastically over the past decade. Gone are the days of strolling into a store and being swayed by a cookie-cutter sales spiel.  Rather than waiting

Data Privacy and Security in SaaS: Ensuring Trust in an Era of Cyber Threats

Data Privacy and Security in SaaS: Ensuring Trust in an Era of Cyber Threats

Cybercrime seems to have become the norm of the day, isn’t it? With every single entity having a trail of digital footprints, there’s not one who is safe from the